Become a signatory to the Minds Count TJMF Guidelines

To apply on behalf of your workplace to become a signatory to the Minds Count TJMF Psychological Wellbeing: Best Practice Guidelines for the legal profession, please fill out the form below. Once you submit the form, we will be in contact to finalise the signatory process. Thank you for being a champion of wellbeing in legal workplaces.

  • By submitting this application I warrant that I am authorised by the organisation above (the Organisation) to apply on its behalf to become a Signatory to the TJMF Psychological Wellbeing Best Practice Guidelines for the Legal Profession (the Guidelines).

    By applying to become a Signatory, the Organisation and its management commit themselves to honouring and upholding the principles and spirit of the Guidelines.

    The Organisation and its management will endeavour to implement the Guidelines to the best of their ability, for the betterment of the Organisation and the people within it.

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